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Episodi Supernatural 6 Stagione Download Youtube

Season thirteen begins exactly where we left off, with Sam and Dean left to pick up the pieces after the loss of their mother, the demise of Crowley (MARK A. SHEPPARD) and the heartbreaking death of Castiel (series star MISHA COLLINS).

The birth of Lucifer’s son, Jack (new series regular ALEXANDER CALVERT) leaves the Winchester brothers with differing opinions on how to deal with a Nephilim. After being dragged into the breach, Mary (Samantha Smith) must learn to survive Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) and an apocalyptic world. Dean reads an obituary notice for a wrestler he and Sam used to watch when they were kids.

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Deciding they need a break from tracking The Darkness, the brothers decide to attend the funeral to pay their respects. The funeral is full of wrestlers, including Shawn Harley (guest star MIKE “THE MIZ” MIZANIN), a hotshot new wrestler with a fiery temper who pushes everyone’s buttons, and veteran wrestler Gunner Lawless (guest star ALEKS PAUNOVIC). Sam and Dean attend the next match to re-live one of their fondest childhood memories but when another wrestler turns up dead, play-time quickly turns to work. Crowley notices Dean is becoming more and more aggressive. Dean tells him that’s the side effect of being a demon, but Crowley knows it’s something more - the Mark of Cain needs to be fed. Meanwhile, Sam is captured by Cole (guest star TRAVIS AARON WADE), an angry man who blames Dean for his father’s death years ago and wants revenge. Cole tortures Sam, hoping he’ll tell him where Dean is hiding.

Hannah (guest star ERICA CARROLL) sees how weak Castiel is becoming as his grace continues to fade, so she makes a bold choice and asks Metatron for help. Looking to get Dean out of the bunker, Sam finds a case for him and Dean to investigate – people are disappearing into thin air with only their clothes left behind. Sam and Dean suspect fairies or angels, but the truth turns out to be much more shocking – Hansel (guest star MARK ACHESON), from Hansel and Gretel lore, is kidnapping people and turning them into their younger selves to placate the evil witch (guest star LESLEY NICOL). Unfortunately, Dean finds this information out the hard way after he becomes Hansel’s next victim and reverts to his 14-year-old self. Sam and Dean investigate a string of suicides committed by people with little in common other than the identical, grisly method of death – slow, self-administered disembowelment. All of the victims were members of a Catholic church and had recently given confession, leading the brothers to suspect the priest (guest star STEPHEN DANIEL CURTIS) is somehow involved. Meanwhile, when Crowley captures Olivette (guest star TERYL ROTHERY), the leader of the Grand Coven, Rowena pleads her case to be allowed to practice magic freely again.

In the ninth season premiere, Dean is frantic after Sam collapses and the doctor tells Dean his brother won't make it. Desperate, Dean sends out an 'All Points Bulletin' via prayer to every angel in the area - asking them to help his brother. In exchange, Dean will owe that angel a favor. Numerous angry angels race to find and kill Dean, but one, Ezekiel (guest star TAHMOH PENIKETT), gets to him first. Meanwhile, Sam fights for his life, facing some familiar demons in the struggle; and Castiel struggles to survive without powers. Sam and Dean discover that the table in the Men of Letters house (the one that lit up like a Christmas Tree when the angels fell), has an ancient computer attached to it.

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They figure if they can get the computer on, they can track the angels. Who better to call for help than the best IT girl there is, Charlie Bradbury (guest star FELICIA DAY)? While moving the massive computer, they dislodge a hidden hexbag that unleashes a magical green-webbed wall. Sam and Dean break through it and discover the one and only Dorothy (guest star TIIO HORN) from Oz.

She had trapped herself and the wicked witch (guest star MAYA MASSAR) in the web years ago to stop the witch from finding the key that would open the gate that connected their world with Oz. With the wall broken, a massive and magical fight ensues that threatens to destroy the Men of Letters bunker. Dean gets a call from an old friend named Sonny (guest star BLAKE GIBBONS) asking for help with a ghost. Sonny runs a home for delinquent boys, and Dean was sent there for stealing food when he was younger. Sam is stunned he never knew this about his brother and asks for more information, but Dean dodges his questions. Another murder occurs while Sam and Dean are at the house, so they scramble to find the culprit before anyone else dies. Meanwhile, Dean looks up an old girlfriend (guest star ERIN KARPLUK) and recalls his time at the house.


Looking to reclaim his place as King of Hell, Crowley asks Dean for help finding 'The First Blade,' the only blade that can kill Abbadon. Knowing he owes Crowley a favor for helping Sam, and also wanting Abaddon dead himself, Dean reluctantly agrees and the two set off on a road trip. However, Dean and Crowley are completely unprepared when they find out who has the blade - Cain (guest star TIM OMUNDSON), the first son. Meanwhile, Sam is back at the bunker with Castiel who notices there is some leftover grace inside Sam.

If they can extract it, they can use the grace to track Gadreel. The only problem is the procedure may do permanent damage to Sam. When a teenage girl (guest star ALI WEBB) is killed, the final selfie she took before the attack shows a ghostly figure in the background.

Looking for something to keep them busy, Dean and Sam head to Washington to find the ghost. While the two interview the girl's mother, Betty (guest star MARIA MARLOW), they are surprised when she starts talking about cold spots and fritzing. When they ask her about bringing up paranormal signs, Betty replies that the 'supernaturalists' who called earlier brought it up. Enter Harry Spangler (guest star TRAVIS WESTER) and Ed Zeddmore (guest star A.J. BUCKLEY), the famous supernaturalist Ghostfacers!

Dean is frustrated when he can't reach Crowley, who has promised to find The First Blade. When Crowley finally calls Sam and Dean, he tells them he fell off the wagon and has been injecting human blood and needs their help.

To make matters worse, he had a demon (guest star REBECCA MARSHALL) helping him find blood, but she sold him out and told Abaddon that he and the Winchesters were searching for The First Blade. The brothers need to find the blade before Abaddon does, so they enlist the help of a former member of the Men of Letters (guest star KAVAN SMITH). Meanwhile, NICOLE 'SNOOKI' POLIZZI appears in a cameo role. Series star Misha Collins makes his directing debut. While Dean struggles with the aftereffects of the Mark of Cain, Sam hears about a case where straight-laced people are turning into violent murderers.

Sam suspects possession and suggests to Dean that they investigate, but Dean tells him to go without him. While interviewing the local townsfolk, Sam meets an elderly woman named Julia (guest star JENNY O'HARA), who tells him the Men of Letters came to town in 1958. Julia tells Sam the story of a young man named Henry Winchester (guest star GIL McKINNEY) and his female companion, Josie Sands (guest star ALAINA HUFFMAN). While Sam is away, Crowley tests Dean.

Sam and Dean investigate a case in Chicago, where they discover that various mafia-esque monster families are, unknown to humans, running Chicago's criminal underworld. One is a family of shapeshifters run by Margo Lassiter (guest stars DANIELLE SAVRE), whose leadership is thrown into question when her brother David (guest star NATHANIEL BUZOLIC) returns home.

The other reigning family in town is made up of werewolves, lead by Julian Duval (guest star SEAN FARIS). While in Chicago, Sam and Dean meet Ennis (guest star LUCIEN LAVISCOUNT), a man with a personal vendetta against the monsters. The Winchesters warn Ennis about heading into the hunter lifestyle, but Ennis refuses to listen and starts down a dangerous path. After a massive attack on the angels, Castiel calls Sam and Dean for help. As they leave, Dean's eagerness to bring the First Blade doesn't go unnoticed by Sam who is worried about the cost to his brother whenever he uses the Blade.

Meanwhile, Castiel is shocked when he learns the angel that caused the attack was one of his followers and did it in his name. Dean discovers there is a conspiracy amongst Castiel's angel followers and at the heart of it is Tessa, the Reaper (guest star LINDSEY McKEON). After a year apart, Sam and Dean are reunited in the eighth season premiere.

After escaping from Purgatory (but not alone), Dean heads straight for Sam, but the reunion isn't exactly everything he imagined it would be. Although Sam drops everything to join his brother, leaving the life he had grown accustomed to enjoy turns out to be harder than he imagined.

Together, the Winchesters go in search of the prophet Kevin Tran (guest star OSRIC CHAU) who has managed to escape the clutches of Crowley (guest star MARK A. SHEPPARD) and his minions, but things quickly escalate when Kevin tells them what it is that Crowley is after. Sam and Dean investigate a bizarre murder in a college town.

Close on the tail of their suspect, they bust into an apartment to find two dead bodies and a laptop cued up to some disturbing video footage. The footage begins with Brian (guest star LEIGH PARKER), Mike (guest star BRANDON W. JONES) and Kate (guest star BRITNI SHERIDAN) hearing about an unusual animal attack in their town and the rest of the story is revealed through their eyes. Sam and Dean become unknowing participants in a unique student film. After Dean's vampire companion in Purgatory, Benny (guest star TY OLSSON) gets brutally beat up by his own kind, he calls Dean for help. Dean abruptly packs up and tells a confused Sam that he's taking a 'personal day.'

Benny confesses that he's going after his Maker (guest star PATRICK STAFFORD) so Dean offers to help, flashing back on the many times Benny helped him and Castiel in Purgatory. Meanwhile, Sam uses his solo time to reflect on the life he left behind with Amelia (guest star LIANE BALABAN). However, when things go bad for Dean and Benny, Dean summons Sam for help.

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Making everything very complicated. FELICIA DAY returns! Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious deaths of two LARPers (Live Action Role Players) who were engaged in a game entitled Moondoor. The guys are thrilled to discover the Queen of Moondoor is none other than Charlie Bradbury (guest star FELICIA DAY), their quirky hacker friend who helped them fight Dick Roman last season. The three learn that an actual fairy (guest star TIFFANY DUPONT) has been enslaved and commandeered to harm people - and the only way to stop her is to find her master, an overzealous participant in the game. Sam and Dean investigate some recent vampire kills and are surprised to learn that teenage hunter (and fan favorite) Krissy Chambers (guest star MADISON McLAUGHLIN) is involved. They find Krissy and learn her father was killed and trhat she's been taken in by a man named Victor (guest star ADRIAN HOUGH) - who has taken in a group of orphan kids to teach them how to hunt.

Victor is helping the teenagers find the vampires who took their parents so they can get revenge. While Sam is intrigued by Victor's method of giving the teenagers a home life as well as a hunting life, Dean is suspicious of Victor's motives. In the seventh season premiere, Castiel assumes his new role as God. Although he doesn't kill Sam, Dean and Bobby, he warns them not to interfere in his business. Taking on the mantle of the Almighty, Castiel sets out to right some of the wrongs in the world. While Sam struggles to deal with the broken mental wall in his head, Dean decides to bind Death (guest star JULIAN RICHINGS) and order him to stop Castiel.

But the former angel is one step ahead of them, leaving Dean to face a very angry Death. Double the Winchesters, double the fun! Sam and Dean are once again on the FBI's 'Most Wanted' list when two Leviathans clone the brothers and go on a killing spree. The subject of a nationwide manhunt, Sam and Dean need to drop off the grid allowing Bobby to send them to Frank Deveraux (guest star KEVIN R. MCNALLY), a quirky surveillance expert, for help.

Meanwhile, Bobby continues to search for a way to kill the Leviathans - or at least slow them down - so the real Winchesters can stop their evil doppelgangers.